
More Relief News



Perhaps the best news I have found in the last 3 weeks has occurred since Wednesday morning.

I have spoken with several Senators and Representatives on both sides of the aisle, as well as their staff members.

The obstacles to not doing a relief bill until next year seems to be completely gone.

Both The Speaker of the House and The Senate Majority Leader have publicly stated that passing another relief bill in 2020 is job one.

Up and down the line the enthusiasm to pass more relief seems to be everywhere.

This is a drastic change in that until Wednesday it was Leadership on both sides that held up the bill.

The rank and file on both sides are elated about this development.


“I think we need to do it and I think we need to do it before the end of the year. I think now that the election’s over the need is there and we need to sit down and work this out,” McConnell said during a news conference.


There is no language about exactly what will be in the bill, but they will be pushing toward a bill starting Monday.

Here are two potential dates for a vote. Bear in mind that money should flow 7 to 10 days after the President signs it.


When could a stimulus bill or package pass?

House votes

Senate votes

President signs

Nov. 23

Nov. 24

Nov. 25

Dec. 11

Dec. 12

Dec. 13

The December date has the relief bill being passed with the next Continuing Resolution that will fund the operations of the government.


The passing or not passing a relief bill as a tool to affect the election seems to be 100% gone.

That is great news for our industry.

It still appears that at a minimum additional PPP and Enhanced Unemployment will be provide.

The wider hope is for RESTART to be included. To that point we will launch a 3 prong action later today.


Thank you all for everything you do and I hope this ray of sunshine is uplifting to you.

Take care and be safe.

Onward and Upward,
Michael Strickland